The Artists at Risk (AR) Pavilion – Berlin: mutatis mutandis
Artists at Risk (AR) Symposium and Screenings – A Conversation at the Nordic Embassies in Berlin
Immigré Artists (IA) and Artists at Risk (AR) Nordic Network

Antti Kaski, Minister, Embassy of Finland

Erden Kosovo, AR Resident in Berlin, hosted by Apartment Project and funded by the City of Berlin “Weltoffenes Berlin” programme

Tito Valery, AR Resident at AR Safe Haven Helsinki (previously at AR – Wysing Art Centre)

Maik Müller, Head of the Martin Roth Initiative (a cooperation of the Goethe Institute and ifa)

Delaine Le Bas, Tito Valery, Erden Kosovo, Issa Touma; Artists at Risk (AR) co-founders: Marita Muukkonen, Ivor Stodolsky