Art Lab Gnesta, an independent art hub located in Gnesta, Sweden is joining the Artists at Risk (AR) network of AR-Safe Haven Residencies as part of the Nordic network-project Immigré Artists (IA) and Artists at Risk (AR) curated by Perpetuum Mobilε (PM) and funded by Nordic Culture Point. The first residency was initiated in April 2019. The « IA&AR » network is a new sub-network within the wider Artists-at-Risk (AR) programme.
As with all IA & AR network members, AR-Gnesta residents will be given curatorial and administrative support by the local partner, Art Lab Gnesta, alongside Perpetuum Mobile. The residency includes an apartment, a workspace, a monthly grant, travel, visa and insurance costs, limited budget for a production and other practical support.
Art Lab Gnesta is a place for creating, debating and experimenting with connections between art and society. We are interested in the relation between art, the local community, schools, art institutions and others involved in the arts or social issues – locally, nationally and internationally. Our residence programme is a central and integral part of our activities. For our residency programme for « immigré artists » (newcomers already resident in Sweden), aside from Immigré Artists (IA) and Artists at Risk (AR), we collaborate with Det Konstnärliga Rådet (The Artist Council) in Stockholm, a platform for immigré artists and curators in the Stockholm region, initiated by the curators Abir Boukhari and Ulrika Flink.
ARTISTS at RISK (AR) is an institution at the intersection of human rights and the arts. AR is dedicated to mapping the field of persecuted visual art practitioners, facilitating their safe passage from their countries of origin and hosting them at “AR-Residencies” so that they can continue their practice.The IA&AR Network is a new sub-network within the wider AR-Network.
Immigré Artists (IA) and Artists at Risk (AR) is curated by Perpetuum Mobilε (PM) and funded by Nordic Culture Point.