Artists at Risk (AR) is based on over two decades of experience working with artist-in-residencies. Perpetuum Mobile (PM) developed, experimented and expanded with new ways of working with artists, including artists under threat, and developed several innovative formats.
Aside from the talks, discussions, discursive events and presentations which we have continued over the years in the form of MOBILE TALKS, PM developed the notion of “Peer-to-Peer Reviews” a.k.a. “P2P Reviews”.
These periodic meetings and/or assemblies with residents, other artists and curators or artworld figures provides a venue for genuine and sanguine debate that often lacking in the art-world: feedback, constructive criticism and of course encouragement. This may take the form of a curatorial visit, a sort of ‘crit’ as its called in British art-school or a discussion of work in a small circle.
PM/AR has reintroduced this format in recent months, building on its past experience. It welcomes friends, colleagues and artists to suggest meetings or events as part of this programme.
Recent P2P Reviews:
- Curators of the SEA Foundation from the Netherlands come for a visit at both the Lapinlahti and Hietsun Paviljonki studios. They were in Finland for work at Myymälä2 while staying at the Saastamoinen Residency;
- It was exciting to have curators from the Museum of Contemporary Art, Kiasma visit to review the work of Kholod Hawash;
- Representatives of Porvoo Art Hall came to review the work of all AR Residents.
- Further visits to PM/AR studios are planned, include visits by FRAME.

SEA Foundation Tilburg, curators/artists Riet Van Gerven and Jan-Willen van Rijnberk reviewing Kholod Hawash and Saddam Jumaily’s work at Hietsun Paviljonki.

SEA Foundation Tilburg, curators/artists Riet Van Gerven and Jan-Willen van Rijnberk with AR-Residents at AR-Lapinlahti.

Kiasma curatorial team with Kholod Hawash at AR-Hietsun Paviljonki. From left to right: Kholod Hawash, Kati Kivinen, João Laia, Satu Oksanen, Piia Oksanen.

AR SHH Residents at the Porvoo Triennial On Off 2020. Left to right: Krista Mikkola (cultural planner, City of Porvoo), Riikka Kiljunen (AR), Petri Hytönen (co-curator of the Porvoo Triennial and Saddam Jumaily’s AR Peer Artist), Kholod Hawash, Saddam Jumaily.

Saddam Jumaily, Angela Aldebs, Kholod Hawash, Sini Kallio and Henrik Lindqvist (left to right) at AR-Hietsun Paviljonki during the visit and reviews at AR’s studios by the Porvoo Art Hall / City of Porvoo cultural services.

Henrik Lindqvist, Sini Kallio and Krista Mikkola (left to right) at AR-Hietsun Paviljonki during the visit and reviews at AR’s studios by the Porvoo Art Hall / City of Porvoo’s cultural services.