Image and poster courtesy of Antonella Ermina Zecca.
Artists at Risk (AR) would like to celebrate the opening of IA-Resident Suvadeep Das’ exciting exhibition Untitled on 29.4 at Myymälä2, Helsinki! Featuring a watercolour series, a set of four instrument-sculptures and impro-sessions, Untitled runs from 29.4-9.5.
From the event description:
«A definite edition of normative perception, the one, which we ourselves perceive, relies on the vocabulary of objects and subjects. In this way we can concern ourselves with a concept or theme. With my watercolours I have chosen to address a word we are all familiar with: «protagonist». The watercolour series are part of a process of visual narration that introduces the protagonists and the way they take their space. Therewithal we can trace in those compositions an engaged retrospect of the protagonists; that which can appear abstract or in real time and space.»
Suva writes:

Credit: Riikka Kiljunen
«It’s been almost seven years since I started designing and building instruments from recycled materials. Being aware of the characteristics of conventional and traditional instruments, I intended to explore sounds from a different perspective. In the same span of time, I was also witnessing a genre of circuit oriented devices traversing through the arena of noise music. Therefore I had a strong urge to recreate the unusualness of sound by using the typography as a model for electro-acoustic instruments. My sculptural background led me to the process of constructing sound devices out of a broken guitar, metal CD holders, a watch tower clock frame and bottle holders. Initially I built some of those instruments collaborating with friends who have access to a work space. Of these instrument four will be on display and I will present each of them with live performances creating soundscapes and an impro-session; collaborating with a special musical guest.

Credit: Riikka Kiljunen

Credit: Riikka Kiljunen
In the corridor of the gallery I display a series titled: Lateral m-Power-Meant (K-18). This work piece is a collage of multiple protagonists featured as nudes. Medium- pen and ink, arranged to create a continuity within the guache surface in the form of a scroll.»
«During the exhibition Suva will perform a series of impro-sessions. Sessions are organized in two parts, the first part will be a solo by Suva or duet with special guests and the second part will be a collective improvisation during which the audience is invited to join in the session. Each impro-session will introduce one particular instrument out of the four.»

Credit: Riikka Kiljunen
Make sure to catch one of Suva’s next impro-sessions on the following dates:
2.5 Dhwani Yantra
6.5 Time
8.5 Sacroribos, with special guest musician Simo Laihonen.
Suva will further host a Radiophonic Closing Ceremony with Sumugan Sivanesan/fugitive-radio.net starting at 17.00 on 09.05. Be sure to stop in at Myymälä2 for one of these events, or at any point over the next 10 days!
A special thanks also to Antonella Ermina Zecca for the event photo and poster.
Event photos by Riikka Kiljunen.

Credit: Riikka Kiljunen

Credit: Riikka Kiljunen
Link to the facebook event here.
Link to the exhibition’s page on the Myymälä2 website here.
Suvadeep Das is an Immigré Artists (IA)-Resident hosted at Artists at Risk (AR)-Safe Haven Helsinki. The AR and IA-Network is coordinated by the AR-Secretariat and curated by Perpetuum Mobile — PM. This residency is co-funded by Nordisk kulturkontakt / Nordic Culture Point and the Helsingin kaupunki — Helsingfors stad — City of Helsinki Department of Culture and Leisure.
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