It was the first encounter of Alekhina with Steyerl, the renowned filmmaker and writer, for a rich discussion with the participation of the art-critic Nausikaä El-Mecky and moderated by Ignasi Gozalo Salellas. It investigated mechanisms that may lead to the restriction of art and freedom today and in the future, and reflected on the possibilities of art as a space of counterpower.
The world-renowned activist and co-founder of Pussy Riot, Maria Alekhina, suffered persecution and censorship under Putin’s regime in Russia. She was AR’s first “Artists at Risk-Resident Prisoner”. See more here: https://tinyurl.com/ar-masha

The event on the CCCB’s website: http://tinyurl.com/ar-cccb-discussion
After the discussion, the audience was invited to a performance by Azerbaijani artist Pari Banu entitled ‘Mourning for Narcissus’, an interactive installation and invitation to spy on the gaze of the (trans) other, while also celebrating the body as a space of freedom.