Schloss Freudenberg is an interdisciplinary cultural venue in Wiesbaden. The castle and park are home to the “Erfahrungsfeld zur Entfaltung der Sinne und des Denkens” (Field of Experience for the Development of the Senses and Thinking), a permanent exhibition based on Hugo Kükelhaus’ theory of the senses, with over 150 works of art that enable our guests to discover and nurture their senses. Freudenberg Castle is a theatre of life in which everyone is author, director, actor and spectator at the same time.
With the “Wanderbühne Freudenberg” (Freudenberg Travelling Stage) we maintain our own theatre ensemble, which specialises in modern and immersive forms of storytelling. Schloss Freudenberg is a Gesamtkunstwerk, a forum for contemporary issues, a social art piece.