Ivor Stodolsky

Co-Founder and Co-Director of Artists at Risk (AR), Ecologists at Risk (ER) and Perpetuum Mobile (PM)

Ivor Stodolsky is a curator, writer and theorist. He is co-founder and co-director of Perpetuum Mobile (PM) and Artists at Risk (AR), an international NGO which has relocated over 850 artists at risk from around the world through the AR-Network of over 300 hosting institutions. Recent curatorial projects include the symposium “Institutions and Resistance – Alliances for Art at Risk” at ZKM | Karlsruhe (2022), a widely-covered intervention at the Venice Biennale 2022, and “Risk and Rebellion” a 7-hour livestream from G-Livelab, Helsinki (2021). A French-US citizen, he has migrated from city to city across Europe. With studies in Philosophy and Mathematics (Bristol University), he has worked in media (Project Syndicate, ‘The World’s Opinion Page’), returned to academia (Birkbeck, University of London; University of Helsinki), built institutions such as PM/AR, and curated internationally. Academic articles include A Multi-Lectic Anatomy of Stiob and Poshlost’; curatorial publications include The Raw, The Cooked and The Packaged – The Archive of Perestroika Art (Kiasma Museum); The Arts Assembly (Manifesta 8); The Square and articles such as 21st Century Re-Alignments in Art and Politics.

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