Marriage in the Area My Father Loved, 2023 / Let’s Take a Selfie in Front of Your Aunt’s Home, 2017. 

6 - Issa Touma

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Marriage in the Area My Father Loved, 2023.

Digital Photography. Limited Edition. 

Courtesy of the Artist.

Pethia promised her father that she would get married in Aleppo, no matter the circumstances. Her father loved the city, tragically effaced by years of war only to be compounded by a terrible earthquake. Her husband Arthur and her decided to celebrate on the ruins of the old city, to make for “a new beginning”.


Let’s Take a Selfie in Front of Your Aunt’s Home, 2017. 

3840 x 2160 px. Digital photography. Unsigned, Open Edition.

Courtesy of the Artist.

Let’s take a selfie in front of auntie’s home”, said the daughter to her mother.

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