On June 3, Gule Özalp Ulusoy and Kemal Ulusoy presented their latest creation, Lîstûbêj-Durû (Two-Faced), at the Tanssiteatteri Raatikko in Vantaa. Lîstûbêj-Durû is the first theatre play to be performed in Kurdish language (Kurmanci) in Finland.
KURDISH (Kurmanci):
Nave Lîstikê: Lîstûbêj- Durû
Nivîs û Lîstikvan: Kemal Ulusoy
Derhêner: Gulê Özalp Ulusoy
Mijara Lîstike; Lîstikvan, Nakokiyên ku di jiyane de di qewimin bi awayekî mîzahî Şîrove dike. Wek mînak; Ezezî, durûtî , bêpîvanî hwd. Tiştên ku Di jiyanê de diqewimin wek rebaza Stend-up vedibêje. Di heman deme de lîstikvan ji jiyana xwe û ji derveyî jiyana xwe û raborî ya xwe û ji meseleyên civakê ên Sosyo-polîtîk jî vedibêje.
Title: Two-Faced!
Written and performed by Kemal Ulusoy
Director: Gulê Özalp Ulusoy
Lîstûbêj- Durû is a monologue which brings to light the contradictions in the character’s life and puts them into harsh and humorous focus. Employing a format somewhere between satire and stand-up, the character faces his own handicaps and deficiencies, such as selfishness, two-facedness or unruliness, while he recounts stories of his socio-political experience.

Gule Özalp Ulusoy (directress) and Kemal Ulusoy (actor)

Kemal Ulusoy

Audience of Lîstûbêj-Durû at Tanssiteatteri Raatikko

Kemal Ulusoy

Kemal Ulusoy

Kemal Ulusoy

Kemal Ulusoy

Afterparty at the Tanssiteatteri Raatikko
AR-Safe Haven Helsinki is curated by Artists at Risk(AR) / Perpetuum Mobile (PM) and co-hosted by PM, Eläintarha Villa and HIAP – Helsinki International Artist Programme. It is funded by the City of Helsinki, Department of Culture.
This AR production is funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation – Suomen Kulttuurirahasto.
The Secretariat of Artists at Risk (AR) is funded by the Koneen Säätiö – Kone Foundation.