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Artists at Risk (AR) / Ecologists at Risk (ER) accepts applications from all over the world.

Our Public Calls are always open. We accept urgent applications at any time.


If you are from Afghanistan, use the Afghan Application Form
If you are from Ukraine, use the Ukraine Application Form
If you are from any other region, use the Global Application Form


All eco-defenders/environmental practitioners at risk with a cultural or artistic aspect to their work may apply, including indigenous peoples, activists, researchers, journalists, scientists, etc.

Please fill in the Ecologists at Risk (ER) Application Form

General Information for applicants for support

  • Only submit an application if you are at high risk to your life and limb. Eligible candidates usually face sustained persecution, involuntary displacement, unjust imprisonment, torture or ongoing death threats.
  • A large proportion of artists and activists around the world face economic hardship, so purely economic reasons are not sufficient.
  • We receive a large volume of emails, so please wait a few days if you have filled in the form before contacting us again.
  • In case of an emergency contact [email protected].
  • For highest security communications, contact us on Element-Matrix at (see below on how to create your own account).

Applications are possible in all languages. We will make every effort to find translation services for eligible applicants. Nevertheless, for reasons of cost and speed, we strongly recommend applying in English.

The Public Call is available in the following languages (there may be some old information, due to the delay in translations from the original language of the respective Call):

AR/ER-Residencies enable practitioners to take a “breather” from their home country, or to use the programme as a “stepping stone” to re-orient their professional lives. We welcome AR/ER-Residents as honoured visiting art professionals, rather than as asylum seekers or refugees. Artists and other art-practitioners at risk of grievous suppression of freedom of expression, persecution or politically motivated threats to their basic freedoms may apply.

Please note that in all cases, whether short or longer-term residencies, AR/ER’s residencies  are temporary. Artists at Risk (AR)/Ecologists at Risk (ER) should not be regarded as a government-type guaranteed welfare provider.

Please do NOT apply to AR/ER if you are not at RISK and are simply looking for an artist-in-residency. In that case, you can find ample normal residency opportunities – here, for example.


Notes on the Application Procedure

Standard level security via forms:

Please note that a Google email account is necessary to apply via the forms. This guarantees that all information is transferred within Google, and hence a high level of security is guaranteed.

If you do not have a google email, register a new one here. Please do not request access to the form – it is open for filling in.

Highest level security:

Create an account on Element on Matrix to enter into secure communications with AR/ER (see Secure Communications)

NB: The email artistsatrisk[@] is NOT owned by Artists at Risk (AR). Please report any communication from that address to [email protected]. The owner of the address is using it without our permission.


AR/ER-Residents are selected on the basis of multiple criteria. Background checks on all information may be performed by specialists from the relevant regional and international fields of arts and human rights. References given in the form by the AR/ER-Candidate may be consulted. Short-listed candidates will be selected for a specific AR/ER-Residency by an AR/ER selection procedure involving risk-assessment, background checks and feedback from potential hosts. Although they can refuse an offer of relocation from AR/ER, candidates  cannot be given a choice of specific location for their temporary relocation.

Temporary Relocation Facilities for Selected AR-Residents

Dedicated AR/ER-Residencies usually include accommodation (and in some cases a studio), and a monthly living grant. Travel, visa and travel-insurance and a limited budget for a production and legal costs are also included. Each residency, however, offers different conditions. Some residencies can support families.

Please note that such arrangements are not guaranteed, and may be impossible in times of mass applications, such as in the case of the Afghan and Ukraine crises.

Our Public Call is open at all times, and distributed via all channels. This includes well-known venues in art (such as the contemporary art e-mail lists, such as here and here) as well as multiple other channels, including activist email lists, LGBTQI+ networks, ecological networks, regional, local and specialist human rights listings.


Artists at Risk (AR) and Ecologists at Risk are Perpetuum Mobilεzations

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