We are very happy to announce that Artists at Risk (AR) has secured a year-long, two-part AR-Residency in Germany for the curator and artist Barış Seyitvan.
Following his AR-Residency in Helsinki and a bridging period in Belgrade, Seyitvan has arrived in Germany. Barış Seyitvan will spend his first three months in Germany at the new AR-ZKM|Karlsruhe Residency in Baden-Württemberg. While in residence with ZKM|Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe he will continue his artistic and curatorial practice and be supported in his ongoing doctoral research. Barış will use the centre’s facilities to further his studies into refugees and migration in the contemporary art context.
For the second part of this Artists at Risk (AR) Residency in Germany, Barış will move to Berlin where – with the help of the AR-Secretariat, the University of the Arts (UdK) and its leading « Art in Context » (Kunst im Kontext) programme will provide a platform for deepening his networks in the European artistic and academic community. Furthermore, this AR-Berlin residency will include cooperation with n.b.k. (Neuer Berliner Kunstverein), coculture and other Berlin art-spaces.
As always, both these Artists at Risk (AR) Residencies are coordinated by the Artists at Risk (AR) Secretariat and curated by Perpetuum Mobile (PM).
Barış Seyitvan (1982) is a curator based in Diyarbakir, south-eastern Turkey, whose work is
concerned with the themes of contemporary art and migration, conflict, imprisonment and torture, nomadism and exile. A graduate of Fine Arts Education at Dicle University, Seyitvan completed a Masters at Artuklu University in 2017. He continued his curatorial and artistic practice in Turkey and the EU. From 2009 to 2017 Seytivan was curator at the Amed Art Gallery and Municipality Art Gallery, Diyarbakır, Turkey. In 2017, he coordinated the joint project of n.b.k. and ASA (Autonomous Space Agency) in Berlin, which offered grants and assistance to artists’ collectives and associations from the wider Mesopotamian region to run contemporary spaces in at-risk areas. He was also co-coordinator of the Istanbul Art Fair in 2017 and has curated exhibitions in Galerie Hinterland, Vienna and in Zurich.
As an artist in his own right Seyitvan strives to make visible the realities that reach the west only as distant stories. Seyitvan has exhibited in the UK Switzerland, Poland, Holland and France.

Baris Seyitvan, Artists-at-Risk (AR) Resident at ZKM|Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe (right), with Chief Curator of ZKM|Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe Phillip Ziegler (left) and Artists-at-Risk (AR) Co-Founders Marita Muukkonen (centre) and Ivor Stodolsky (top right).
Barış Seyitvan is an Artists at Risk (AR) Resident, hosted in cooperation with ZKM|Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe at the AR-ZKM|Karlsruhe Residency. The AR-Network is curated by Perpetuum Mobile (PM) and is coordinated by the AR-Secretariat, co-funded by Kone Foundation. This residency is fully funded in Germany.