Schedule: Grammo Suspect – Rainbow Ambassador Kenya

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Artists at Risk (AR) and its partners have been delighted and amazed by the incredible creative activity of our first resident at  AR-Catalonia, Grace Munene, aka Grammo Suspect – Rainbow Ambassador Kenya.

The “Rainbow Ambassador Kenya” has hit the ground running, performing and speaking at an impressive series of concerts and events since her arrival at AR-Catalonia.

Grammo Suspect has been spreading her powerful message of strength in the face of adversity, mutual acceptance and love through her music. She stands out as a singular advocate for equal rights for all LGBTQI+ people in Kenya and internationally.


September 22nd – 23rd, 2019: BAM Cultura Viva, Barcelona

Grammo Suspect was invited to perform at multiple concerts and events during BAM Cultura Viva at Fabra i Coats.

Grammo Suspect performing as part of Paella Musicada with Compartir Dóna Gustet.

Grammo Suspect performing her song My Identity with F.R.A.C., a band from Cádiz.

Grammo Suspect on-stage with BCN Afrobeats.

Grammo Suspect speaking to Whiskey Bar hosts Marta García and Gisela Cano on Radio Fàbra.


28th September: IV Pan-African LGBTI Conference 2019, Madrid

A tribute to Grammo Suspect – Rainbow Ambassador Kenya, was the central event of this conference. Grace Munene was invited to speak and received the Emilio Castelar Prize for her crucial work in defense of the LGBTQI+ movement as an activist, musician, feminist and pan-Africanist.

Grammo Suspect with Abuy Nfubea and others after being awarded the Emilio Castelar Prize.


October 12th: MUR Festival 2019, Mallorca

Gammo Suspect is performing at MUR Festival at Parc municipal sa Torre de Felanitx, alongside Pablo Hasel, Ana Tijoux, Valtònic and many others.


October 13th: Esperanzah! El Prat, Barcelona

Esperanzah! is a festival for the celebration and support of the solidarity economy in Catalonia. Grammo Suspect – Rainbow Ambassador Kenya is performing on the Delta stage at 16:30.


October 27th: FuriAqueer, Barcelona

Grammo Suspect is on the line-up for Sidecar’s regular event FuriAqueer.


November 14th: Non Monogamies and Contemporary Intimacies (NMCI), Barcelona

Gammo Suspect is a speaker at the 3rd Non Monogamies and Contemporary Intimacies conference. Her talk and performance are being organised in collaboration with renowned writer and activist, Brigitte Vasallo. The conference will be held at the Ciutadella Campus of Pompeu Fabra University, 14-16 November.


16 November: Amafest, Barcelona

Amafest is an African Art and Music Festival, featuring Grammo Suspect, to be held at Ateneu Popular 9 Barris.


Grammo Suspect – Rainbow Ambassador Kenya is an Artists-at-Risk (AR) Resident at, Catalonia. AR- Catalonia is coordinated by Perpetuum Mobile (PM) and is funded and curated in cooperation with #NoCallerem. Coordination by the AR Secretariat is generously funded by the Kone Foundation.

AR-Catalonia at is co-funded by #NoCallerem/Panorama180 and Perpetuum Mobile (PM) as part of PM’s “Immigré Artists (IA) and Artists at Risk (AR)” network funded by the Nordic Culture Point.