AR-UNESCO Residency with La Porte Peinte Centre pour les Arts

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Artists at Risk (AR) is pleased to welcome La Porte Peinte Centre pour les Arts to be part of the AR network of hosting institutions as an AR-UNESCO Residency.

A residency programme housed in a medieval building in a small village in Burgundy, La Porte Peinte is first and foremost a haven and sanctuary for creative work. A residency here is designed to enable creative exploration, concentrated work and exchange in an inspiring and supportive environment.

La Porte Peinte aims to widen the field of opportunity to increase diversity, with a focus on individuals or groups who might otherwise lack access to such resources, e.g., artists affected by war, natural disasters, economic hardship or any form of discrimination. LPP aims to actively seek out such artists wherever in the world they may be, and to extend support to them through participation in residencies, masterclasses, collaborations, or exhibitions. Areas of specific focus include film, photographic and written reportage that promotes global awareness and understanding; applied art that brings traditional techniques together with contemporary concerns, materials and methods; outsider and naive art; sustainable design; creative work by women; emerging artists of all ages; and African, Haitian, and Latin American practitioners, among others.