The Last Word in London

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We are delighted to share the news that “The Last Word” will be making its debut at the Marylebone Theatre in London this September. Artists at Risk (AR) had the honour of being part of The Last Word’s journey, invited to collect funds during its first staging at Berlin’s Gorki Theater. It has since toured in Potsdam, Dresden, Princeton University, and Tel Aviv. Congratulations to the entire creative team and the brilliant cast and crew!

Written by ‍Anna Narinskaya and directed by the award-winning Maxim Didenko, The Last Word is a reflection on the state of free speech in contemporary Russia.

Direction and concept – Maxim Didenko
Original concept – Alisa Khazanova
Author – Anna Narinskaya
Starring – Alisa Khazanova and Valentin Tszin
Videography – Oleg Michailov
Stage – Pavel Semchenko
Music – Vladimir Rannev
Poetry – Natalia Gorbanevskaya and Maria Stepanova
Producers – Ekaterina Kashintseva and Oliver King

Running from 5 to 21 September at the famed Marylebone Theatre, this powerful play brings to life the final words of women dissidents in Russian courts, including those of Pussy Riot members Nadja Tolokonnikova and Maria Alekhina – two courageous activists whom Artists at Risk (AR) had the privilege of working with in the past. AR-SHH resident Pavel Semchenko was also part of the star-studded team.

Don’t miss your chance to see The Last Word in London!

▪️ Marylebone Theatre’s press release:
▪️ For more information about the play, see AR’s press release from 2022

Photos: Ute Langkafel