Thank you to our partners for an incredible 2024!
As we step further into 2025, we extend our heartfelt thanks to all the AR-Finland Network hosting partners for an incredible 2024! Together, we successfully relocated 29 principal artists at risk, creating meaningful impact in artists’ lives and local communities. … Continue reading
AR-Finland at Jyväskylä Writers’ House
The Writer’s House offers a residency to writers, playwrights and translators. The Writer’s House was designed in 1906 by Wivi Lönn, a famous Finnish woman-architect. n 1980 the house became the meeting place and office of two writer’s associations: the … Continue reading
AR-Berlin at Takt Berlin Leipzig Zeitz
The cultural center Takt Berlin Leipzig Zeitz was established in Berlin in 2007, (est. 2003) and became a site of a lively Berlin and international community of artists. Founders: Antje Görner and Bernhard Haas, since 2017 run as a GbR. … Continue reading
PRESS: “Nowa Jerozolima, Nowy Babilon”. Bolodymyr Topiy w CK by Dziennik Wschodni
Source: Dziennik Wschodni Damian Drabik 9.12.2022 PRESS TEXT “Nowa Jerozolima, Nowy Babilon”. Bolodymyr Topiy w CK W piątek, 9 grudnia o godz. 18 w Centrum Kultury w Lublinie (ul. Peowiaków 12) otwarcie wystawy Bolodymyra Topiy’ego “Nowa Jerozolima, Nowy Babilon”. Ukraiński … Continue reading
#AlliancesforArtatRisk Participant 17. David Wengrow
David Wengrow is Professor of Comparative Archaeology at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London (UCL) and has been a visiting professor at New York University, the University of Auckland, and the University of Freiburg. He is co-author of the New … Continue reading
#AlliancesforArtatRisk Participant 16. Deeyah Khan
Documentary director and producer Deeyah Khan has won two Emmys, a BAFTA, an RTS and two Peabody Awards in just under a decade of making empathetic and unflinching films which deal with some of the most important and polarising issues … Continue reading
PRESSEMITTEILUNG Afghanische Kulturschaffende bitten internationale Politik verzweifelt um Hilfe

PRESSEMITTEILUNG Dezember 2021 Zur sofortigen Veröffentlichung (Eilübersetzung aus dem Englischen) Afghanische Kulturschaffende bitten internationale Politik verzweifelt um Hilfe Eine Gruppe afghanischer Künstler*innen und Kulturschaffender vertraute der unabhängigen Hilfsorganisation Artists at Risk (AR) einen drängenden Brief zur Veröffentlichung an. (Das Schreiben … Continue reading
Communiqué de Presse- Des artistes et des créateurs afghans désespérés lancent un appel aux dirigeants mondiaux pour les sauver de la persécution des talibans

Communiqué de presse le 6 décembre 2021 Des artistes et des créateurs afghans désespérés lancent un appel aux dirigeants mondiaux pour les sauver de la persécution des talibans Artists at Risk (AR) s’est vu confier une lettre désespérée et puissante … Continue reading
Turkish ‘apply’ page
Apply RİSK ALTINDAKİ SANATÇILAR (AR) —Tehdit Altında Sanat Uygulayıcıları için Dünya Çapında Çalışan KurumÇAĞRISon başvuru tarihi: 15 Haziran 2017 Başvuru için: artistsatrisk.org/apply Artistsatrisk.org Perpetualmobile.org Facebook / Facebook / Twitter / YouTube / RİSK ALTINDAKİ SANATÇILAR / ARTISTS at RISK (AR), insan haklarının sanatla kesiştiği yeni bir kurumdur. AR, zulüm görmüş görsel sanat … Continue reading
PM-Resident Mohamed Sleiman Labat
Mohamed Sleiman Labat is a Saharawi Algerian visual artist and poet. He is the founder of MOTIF arts studio in Tindouf refugee camp, in the Hamda desert. Established in 2017, the studio is where the artist experiments with discarded materials … Continue reading