Item Archive: Jumaily
All items pertaining to Jumaily
Saddam Jumaily welcomed to new AR-ICORN Residency in Helsinki
Event: Panel talk at the World Village Festival—Saddam Jumaily and AR Co-founders Saddam Jumaily: PM MOBILE Talk at Galleria Rankka Participation in AR PAVILION HELSINKI – MASS MEMORY MACHINES External Links: Saddam Jumaily is an AR-ICORN Safe Haven Helsinki Resident … Continue reading
Welcoming Saddam Jumaily to AR Saari Residence/Saastamoinen Residency

Saddam Jumaily welcomed to new AR-ICORN Residency in Helsinki Event: Panel talk at the World Village Festival—Saddam Jumaily and AR Co-founders Saddam Jumaily: PM MOBILE Talk at Galleria Rankka Participation in AR PAVILION HELSINKI – MASS MEMORY MACHINES External Links: … Continue reading
AR Resident – Saddam Jumaily

Participation in AR PAVILION HELSINKI – MASS MEMORY MACHINES Saddam Jumaily (born Saddam Al Saeedi in Basra, Iraq, 1974) is a painter and sculptor with a significant following in his country, where he is known for works that use symbolism … Continue reading