Item Archive: warsaw
All items pertaining to warsaw
Documentation: Artists at Risk (AR) with Erkan Özgen at Ujazdowski Castle

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Рубрика: MOBILE TALKS, News
Метки: AR, ar pavilio, AR Pavilion, art warsaw, artists at risk, athens bienale, contemporary warsaw, Erkan Özgen, institutent communitas, istanbul biennial, Kurdish, Kurdistan, Madrid, matadero, Mobile Talk, perpetual mobile, perpetuum mobile, pm, rojava, saasatmoinen foundation, tate, ujazdowski, ujazdowski castle center for contemporary art, warsaw, wonderland
Instituent Communitas: Artists at Risk (AR) at Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw

Sorry, this entry is only available in “Британский Английский”. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Join us in Warsaw for Instituent Communitas … Читать далее
Рубрика: Map, MOBILE TALKS, News, Timeline
Метки: AR, art in warsaw, artists at risk, Erkan Özgen, institutent communitas, istanbul biennale, Jan Muszuumanski, kobani, Kurdistan, over seeing without watching, performance, perpetuum mobile, pm, south-western kurdistan, turkish, turky, ujazdowsky, warsaw