Архів автора: Perpetual Mobi

“2 x Pussy Riot + ORLAN = Fem-Wise-Dom” at the 210, Paris

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“The 210” Rue Saint-Denis opens in Paris

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PRESS RELEASE: Masha Alekhina of Pussy Riot designated first “AR-Resident Prisoner”

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AR-Resident Prisoner: Maria “Masha” Alekhina

Masha Alekhina of Pussy Riot designated first “Artists at Risk-Resident Prisoner” #RiskandRebellion Participant 47. Masha Alyokhina Masha Alekhina & Yulia Tsvetkova on International Women’s Day 2021 AR-Resident Veronika (Nika) Nikulshina AR-Resident Anna (Anya) Kuzminykh AR-Resident Alexander (Sasha) Sofeev Russian “Memorial” … Продовження

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A letter from the suffering artists of Afghanistan to the leaders of the world

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Andrei Kureichik’s works premiere on YLE and at National Theatre

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Georgia joins AR-Network with AR-Tbilisi at Untitled Gallery

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Artists at Risk (AR) Calls Upon International Community to Ensure Safety of Afghan Artists and Human Rights Defenders

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AR-Resident Andrei Kureichik Receiving Direct Death Threats from Agents of Lukashenko Regime

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IA-Resident Samaneh Roghani

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