Архів автора: Seelan Palay


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AR-Resident Said Ahmed Mohamed Ali from Sudan

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Thank you to Crespo Foundation for Supporting Afghan Artists!

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Update and Urgent Appeal to Support Ukrainian Artists

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Thank you to SWAN for funding the hosting of artists in Sweden in 2022 and 2023!

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Thank you to Goethe-Institut for funding the AR-Goethe-Institut Matching Portal!

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Thank you to the funders of the AR-Ukraine-Internal Network!

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Thank you to the AR-Finland Network for a successful 2023!

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Thank you to the funders who made 2023 possible! (Structural Funding)

Вибачте цей текст доступний тільки в “Англійська Британська”. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. The outpouring of support Artists at Risk … Продовження

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