Item Archive: artist’s bio

All items pertaining to artist’s bio

Welcoming Aws Al-Zubaïdy as an AR-Resident in Tunis!

Aws Al-Zubaïdy (1993) is a Palestinian actor and director currently based in Tunis, Tunisia. A graduate in theatre from the Drama Academy Ramallah in Palestine and Folkwang University for the Arts in Essen, Germany, Al-Zubaïdy also learned acting art at … Continue reading

Posted in AR-Artist Bios, Map, NEWS | Tagged , , , , , , , ,

Welcome to Suva as an Immigré Artists (IA)-Resident in Helsinki!

We finally have the opportunity to announce that Suva joined Artists at Risk (AR) in January 2021 as an  Immigré Artists (IA)-Resident in Helsinki. Welcome once more Suva! Suva is a multi-disciplinary artist who has been based in Finland since … Continue reading

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