Item Archive: nigeria
All items pertaining to nigeria
TARGETED CALL for ecologists at risk in WESTERN AFRICA
ECOLOGISTS AT RISK (ER) —A Mondial Institution for Ecologists under Threat TARGETED OPEN CALL Apply at this link. What is Ecologists at Risk (ER)? Ecologists at Risk (ER) is an at-risk-residency platform at the intersection of ecology and culture. ER … Continue reading
AR-Resident Smart Owie: Nigerian Sculptor

Smart Owie was born in Benin, Nigeria, a city renowned for its sculptural background, particularly in the fields of casting. Owie himself was fortunate to come from a family of wood carvers and he learned the skill from an … Continue reading
Welcoming Smart Owie from Nigeria to AR-Residency

We are happy to welcome Smart Owie, renowned Nigerian artist and sculptor, who became an AR-Resident in January 2019. He is currently in safety at an undisclosed AR-Safe Haven Residency in Africa. Owie was forced to leave Nigeria after a … Continue reading