Item Archive: Uprising
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#RiskandRebellion – Conceptual Background

Вибачте цей текст доступний тільки в “Англійська Британська”. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. January 24th and 25th, 2021 #RiskandRebellion livestream: … Продовження
Опубліковано в категорії: News, PM PROJECTS
Позначки: #artistsatrisk, #TSQ2, 10YearsEgyptianRevolution, 20yearsWorldSocialForum, 20yearsWSF, activism, AR, ARENSH, art, dissident, egyptianrevolution, EUProjectKickOff, freedomofexpression, fsm, fsm2021, humanrights, jan24, jan25, PerpetuumMobile, PerpetuumMobilezation, PoliticalMovements, realigned, Rebellion, revolution, risk, RiskandRebellion, TahrirtoHere, ToTheSquare2, Uprising, WorldSocialForum, WSF, wsf2021