Art Under Threat: Freemuse report on 2016

  The report on attacks on artistic freedom in 2016 has just been published by Freemuse. 1,028 attacks on artists were registered across 78 countries in last year, a number that is constantly growing and does not include the all … Continue reading

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PRESS: YLE (Finnish State Broadcaster) Interview with AR-Safe Haven Helsinki artist Shieko Reto

  Source: Kun oma maa ei anna turvaa – Suomenlinnan ainutlaatuinen taiteilijaresidenssi suo vainotuille hetken hengähdystauon Ratsiat ja vaino kotimaassa toivat malesialaisen transsukupuolisen kuvataiteilijan Helsinkiin. Shieko Reto pääsi Suomenlinnan turvaresidenssiin tammikuussa. 3.2.2017 klo 13:17päivitetty 3.2.2017 klo 15:20 Shieko Reto … Continue reading

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Erkan Özgen coming to AR-Safe Haven Helsinki

Perpetuum Mobile is proud to announce that Erkan Özgen is going to be an AR-Resident at Safe Haven Helsinki from 27 June until 10 September, 2016. The Safe Haven Helsinki acts as a “breather” for the Kurdish artist from Amed (Diyarbakir … Continue reading

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PLURIversity: “Gender: Human” by Shieko Reto at the Nordic Culture Point

A learning-by-doing platform which brings together a plurality of individuals, cultures and traditions, the PLURIversity cross-seeds artistic, P2P and social imaginaries to develop new pedagogies, skills and solutions for a diverse, pluricultural future. Forming a part of the faculty of … Continue reading

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PRESS: Solidaritet i konstlivet

PRESS TEXT By: Frida Sandström Bahar Yurukoglu, Pink Ice (stillbild), 2014. Ett tvärsnitt genom dagens residensprogram visar att allt fler riktar sig till konstnärer som förflyttar sig inte av intresse, men efter behov. Ofta rör det sig om verksamheter som initieras genom direkt kontakt … Continue reading

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PM wins EU Grant for "Re-build Refuge Europe" with European Alternatives, bringing AR to Berlin and Athens

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Safe Haven Helsinki wins Annual Art Act award!

We are honoured to have received the Annual Art Act award, chosen by rap-star Paperi T from a shortlist prepared by a jury of leading figures from the Finnish institutional art world. The jury was chaired by Raija Koli, the Director … Continue reading

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Documentation: MOBILE TALK by Erkan Özgen

at the Helsinki Art Museum on the 30th of August Chaired by Perpetuum Mobilε (Marita Muukkonen and Ivor Stodolsky). For information about the artist and the talk see:         Photos courtesy of Kalle Kuisma and Eleni … Continue reading

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MOBILE TALK by Erkan Özgen

at the Helsinki Art Museum on 30 August See photos, video and audio of the event.   Erkan Özgen is a pioneer of video art from the Kurdish area of Turkey, with a distinguished record of exhibitions and collaborators. In … Continue reading

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Erkan Özgen: artist talk on 19 July 2016

Erkan Özgen, the latest Safe Haven Helsinki artist-in-residence from Amed (Diyarbakir in Turkish) Eastern Turkey, will talk about his work during HIAP Open Studios event on Tuesday 19 July at 5.45pm-6.15 pm. HIAP’s Open Studio event will take place at … Continue reading

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