Item Archive: Berlin
All items pertaining to Berlin
PRESS: Die müssen da raus, in “art – Das Kunstmagazin”
SOURCE: art – Das Kunstmagazin, Tim Holthöfer, August 2019 PRESS TEXT: INTERVIEW Die Kuratoren von »Artists at Risk« über ihre Arbeit mit Künstlern in Not Die Organisation »Artists at Risk« verschafft bedrohten Künstlern Stipendien und Residenzen in sicheren Ländern, organisiert … Continue reading
Artists at Risk (AR) joins DIE VIELEN and signs the “DECLARATION OF THE MANY”

Artists at Risk (AR) has joined DIE VIELEN (“The Many”) and its “BERLIN DECLARATION OF THE MANY”. The BERLINER ERKLÄRUNG DER VIELEN, which provides the model for similar declarations across Germany and Europe is found at the below link with all … Continue reading
AR-Resident Erden Kosova

Erden Kosova is a Turkish art critic and curator based in Istanbul and Berlin. Kosova has been an AR-Resident in Berlin since January 2018. His residency is a cooperation between Artists at Risk (AR) and the project-space Apartment Project … Continue reading
Welcoming Erden Kosova to AR-Safe Haven Berlin

We are pleased to host Erden Kosova as an AR-Resident in Berlin in cooperation with Apartment Project (Selda Asal). Erden will use the residency to continue his theoretical research in the coming months. Erden Kosova is a Turkish art critic and … Continue reading
Tito Valery arrives at Artists at Risk (AR) Safe Haven Helsinki

We are very pleased to announce that Tito Valery will continue his residency with Artists at Risk at the AR-Safe Haven Helsinki. Tito Valery is being hosted at AR-Safe Haven Helsinki from the 25 August to 11 November 2018. During … Continue reading
Documentation: Launching of “Dismantling the system of Mugabeism” by Nosilathi E. Moyo

RELATED: Nkosilathi Emmanuel Moyo: AR’s first AR-Safe Haven Berlin Resident Launching his new book, “Dismantling the system of Mugabeism” at the event Nkosilathi Emmanuel Moyo | AR-Artist in Residency: Presentation at SAVVY Contemporary. Marita Muukkonen and Ivor Stodolsky introduced the programme … Continue reading
PRESS: Moyo releases anti-Mugabe book
PRESS TEXT re: Kwekwe human rights activist Nkosilathi Emmanuel Moyo has released a book that takes a dig at the alleged undemocratic systems in government left during and after the rule of former president Robert Mugabe. source: The Standard By Stephen … Continue reading