State Art Award 2022 – Acceptance Speech by the Directors of AR

Good evening Mrs. Jenni Haukio, honourable spouse of the President, honoured colleagues of the Arts Promotion Centre Finland, honoured award-winners and guests. As Co-Founders, and Co-Directors of Artists at Risk (AR) we are deeply honoured to be awarded the first, … Continue reading
Posted in NEWS, Prizes, Timeline
Tagged Finlandia Hall, Ivor Stodolsky, Marita Muukkonen, Prize, Social Impact prize, State Art Prize, Suomi, taike
AR featured on SUBSTANCE 100

It is with great pleasure that we find Artists at Risk (AR) featured on SUBSTANCE 100, “a new, annual list that outlines a diverse array of artists, activists, collectives, movements and organizations making a substantial change in the world.” And … Continue reading