Item Archive: Deutschlandfunk
All items pertaining to Deutschlandfunk
PRESS: „Artists At Risk“ – ein internationales Netzwerk für bedrohte Künstler*innen by Deutschlandfunk Kultur
Source: Deutschlandfunk Kultur 21.12.2022 Interview in full (about 8 minutes, in German): Here is a short summary of the interview: Deutschlandfunk Kultur spoke to Artists at Risk’s (AR) Co-Founding Directors Ivor Stodolsky and Marita Muukkonen at the end of 2022, … Continue reading
PRESS: Damit geflüchtete Künstler wieder Kunst machen können by Deutschlandfunk Kultur
Source: Deutschlandfunk Kultur 27.04.2022 PRESS TEXT Damit geflüchtete Künstler wieder Kunst machen können In English (translated): The non-governmental organization Artists at Risk has been supporting artists who are in danger since 2013. The focus is currently on Ukraine. By selling … Continue reading
PRESS: Deutschlandfunk Kultur – Radio broadcast reviewing AR-ZKM Symposium
SOURCE: FAZIT 12.02.2022 PRESS TEXT: Deutschlandfunk, Germany’s public broadcast radio, reviewed the AR-ZKM – Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe Symposium. Carsten Probst spoke to Deutschlandfunk Kultur’s “FAZIT” about “Institutions and Resistance – Alliances for Art at Risk” straight … Continue reading
Welcoming Tito Valery as the first AR-Resident at Wysing Arts Centre!

We are exceedingly pleased to announce Tito Valery’s arrival as the first AR-Resident at Wysing Arts Centre, in the vicinity of Cambridge, UK. Tito Valery is a internationally renowned radio, TV and media personality, as well as a photographer and … Continue reading