Item Archive: #artistatrisk
All items pertaining to #artistatrisk
Artists at Risk (AR): Year in Review 2023 (Part 1)
Peace may seem hard to imagine in a year marked by unspeakable violence that batter our screens and minds. It is a difficult wish to make, but the artists we work for and with, whose lives and art are coloured … Continue reading
AR-Safe Haven Helsinki Resident Ksenia Peretrukhina

Ksenia Peretrukhina (b.1972) is a Russian stage designer, visual artist, lecturer, contemporary theatre theorist and author of a series of workshops about stage space, ecology in theatre and social theatre. She’s a member of the independent theatre group Theatre of … Continue reading
AR-Safe Haven Helsinki Resident Mikhail Durnenkov

Mikhail Durnenkov (b.1978) is a Russian playwright, screenwriter and teacher of drama currently residing in Helsinki. Durnenkov is known for holding key roles at the oppositional Russian theatre Teatr.doc, and through his long-standing critical positions became a prominent dissident figure. His … Continue reading
AR-UNESCO Resident Sasha Denisova

Sasha Denisova is a Ukrainian playwright, director, novelist and screenwriter. Denisova graduated from the Faculty of Philology at Kyiv Shevchenko University and from the Moscow Art Theatre School and Moscow Meyerhold Centre. She also studied dramaturgy at the Royal Court … Continue reading
PRESS: „Artists At Risk“ – ein internationales Netzwerk für bedrohte Künstler*innen by Deutschlandfunk Kultur
Source: Deutschlandfunk Kultur 21.12.2022 Interview in full (about 8 minutes, in German): Here is a short summary of the interview: Deutschlandfunk Kultur spoke to Artists at Risk’s (AR) Co-Founding Directors Ivor Stodolsky and Marita Muukkonen at the end of 2022, … Continue reading
AR-Moosdorf Korrektiv Resident Iqbal Ahmad Tarnak

Iqbal Ahmad Tarnak (1997), an artist from Afghanistan, is currently an Artists at Risk (AR)-Resident at Moosdorf Korrektiv e.V. in Berlin, Germany. At home painting with oils, Tarnak has recently begun working on contemporary and conceptual artwork, and he is … Continue reading
AR-Moosdorf Korrektiv e.V. Resident Zia Forogh

Zia Forogh (1984) is a singer, musician, visual artist, gallery owner, art teacher and activist from Afghanistan. He is currently an Artists at Risk (AR)-Resident at Moosdorf Korrektiv e.V. in Berlin, Germany. Forogh graduated with a bachelor’s degree in painting … Continue reading
AR-Moosdorf Korrektiv Resident Ali Mohammadi Kiyan

Ali Mohammadi Kiyan (1976) is a film director, screenwriter and editor from Afghanistan, now an Artists at Risk (AR)-Resident at Moosdorf Korrektiv e.V. in Berlin, Germany. He has made 10 short and long documentary films. Kiyan studied Cinematic Direction at … Continue reading
AR-Moosdorf Korrektiv Resident Mirwais Rekab

Mirwais Rekab (1970) is a film director and cameraman from Kabul, Afghanistan, and he is currently an Artists at Risk (AR)-Resident at Moosdorf Korrektiv e.V. in Berlin, Germany. Rekab has worked on numerous film, television and music video projects. His … Continue reading
AR-Centre National de la Danse (CND) Paris Resident Mozhda Amiri, aka Helen

Mozhda Amiri, aka Helen, (b. 2001) is an Afghan dancer who is currently an Artists at Risk (AR)-Centre National de la Danse (CND) Paris Resident in Paris, France. Helen graduated from the Department of Dramatic Arts at Kabul University in … Continue reading