Author Archives: ChristianNolle
AR-Moosdorf Korrektiv Resident Mirwais Rekab
Mirwais Rekab (1970) is a film director and cameraman from Kabul, Afghanistan, and he is currently an Artists at Risk (AR)-Resident at Moosdorf Korrektiv e.V. in Berlin, Germany. Rekab has worked on numerous film, television and music video projects. His … Continue reading
PRESS: Alexey Yudnikov: “Ara mateix soc l’enemic per al govern rus” by betevé
Source: betevé Esther Castarnado 25.10.2022 PRESS TEXT Alexey Yudnikov: “Ara mateix soc l’enemic per al govern rus” In English (translated): Ukrainian actor and theatre director Sasha Denisova escaped censorship in Russia thanks to the first No Callarem Artists at Risk … Continue reading
PRESS RELEASE: Venäläisten toisinajattelijoiden performanssi “Paint against Barriers”
LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE 13.10.2022 Julkaistavissa heti Venäläisten toisinajattelijoiden performanssi “Paint against Barriers” Artists at Risk (AR)-Porvoo Taidetehtaan residenssiläiset Pavel Semchenko ja Anisiia Kronidova esiintyvät Porvoon torilla 15. lokakuuta klo 12.00. Performanssi ”Paint against Barriers” (Maalaa esteitä vastaan) on tuotettu yhteistyössä Multicultural Association … Continue reading
Welcoming Afghan dancers Zahra Mohammadi, Mozhda Amiri, aka Helen, and Fareba Qasimi to Centre National de la Danse in Pantin (CND)!
Artists at Risk (AR) would like to welcome Afghan dancers Zahra Mohammadi, Mozhda Amiri, aka Helen, and Fareba Qasimi to Centre National de la Danse in Pantin (CND). The three artists are currently AR-CND Residents in Paris, France. The residencies … Continue reading
AR-Centre National de la Danse (CND) Paris Resident Mozhda Amiri, aka Helen
Mozhda Amiri, aka Helen, (b. 2001) is an Afghan dancer who is currently an Artists at Risk (AR)-Centre National de la Danse (CND) Paris Resident in Paris, France. Helen graduated from the Department of Dramatic Arts at Kabul University in … Continue reading
AR-Centre National de la Danse (CND) Paris Resident Zahra Mohammadi
Zahra Mohammadi (b. 2000) is an Afghan dancer who is currently an Artists at Risk (AR)-Centre National de la Danse (CND) Paris Resident in Paris, France. In 2019, Mohammadi founded the Sama dance troupe called Shohood-e-Arefan in Kabul, Afghanistan, together … Continue reading
AR-Centre National de la Danse (CND) Paris Resident Fareba Qasimi
Fareba Qasimi (b. 2000) is an Afghan dancer and painter who is currently an Artists at Risk (AR)-Centre National de la Danse (CND) Paris Resident in Paris, France. In 2016, Fareba Qasimi joined a group called Peace Warriors Crew with … Continue reading
🔊OPEN CALL FOR NON-EU AND NON-SCHENGEN INSTITUTIONS‼️ Artists at Risk (AR) and its partners can offer funds to relocate, accommodate and host artists and cultural workers fleeing their countries of origin in residencies around the world. If you are a … Continue reading
PRESS: Une maison du XIXe siècle occupée à Paris par des artistes est menacée par un projet immobilier by Ouest-France
Source: Ouest-France 10.08.2022 PRESS TEXT Une maison du XIXe siècle occupée à Paris par des artistes est menacée par un projet immobilier Un collectif de riverains milite pour empêcher la destruction d’une maison datant du XIXe siècle à Paris. Depuis mai 2022, … Continue reading
PRESS: Ryske artisten Evgeny Fedorov sökte asyl i Göteborg – ska utvisas by Göteborgs-Posten
Ryske artisten Evgeny Fedorov sökte asyl i Göteborg – ska utvisas: Kultur Ryska jazzmusikern Evgeny Fedorov flydde hemlandet efter att hans Putin-kritiska uttalanden uppmärksammats av myndigheter. Flyktvägen gick genom Estland till Sverige. I Göteborg fick han ett konstnärsresidens på … Continue reading