Author Archives: ChristianNolle
PRESS: Helsingin Sanomat Foundation donates 30,000 euros to support Russian journalists by Yle
Source: Yle 03.05.2022 PRESS TEXT In English (translated): Helsingin Sanomat Foundation donates 30,000 euros to support Russian journalists In this way, the foundation wants to help Russian journalists, many of whom have been forced to leave their homeland, to be … Continue reading
PRESS: Finland’s Kiasma museum reopens with space dedicated to Middle Eastern art by The Neo Life
Source: The Neo Life Khaoula Ghanem 21.04.2022 PRESS TEXT Finland’s Kiasma museum reopens with space dedicated to Middle Eastern art HELSINKI: Two years after being forced to close because of pandemic restrictions, Helsinki’s Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma has reopened … Continue reading
PRESS: L’art no pot salvar-nos by Núvol
Source: Núvol Berta Galofré Claret 03.05.2022 PRESS TEXT L’art no pot salvar-nos In English (translated): What possibilities and tools does the world of culture have to confront any war? How can it express its opposition? What practices can it carry … Continue reading
PRESS: Ukraine erster Stock, Russland geschlossen by Der Spiegel
Source: Der Spiegel Andreas Wassermann 23.04.2022 PRESS TEXT Ukraine erster Stock, Russland geschlossen Biennale zwischen Krieg und Corona Proteste vor dem russischen, Ansturm auf den ukrainischen Pavillon: Die Biennale bildet die Welt im Kleinen ab. Deshalb müsste sie in diesem … Continue reading
PRESS: Protest von Kulturschaffenden vor Russischem Pavillon by Süddeutsche Zeitung
Source: Süddeutsche Zeitung dpa 22.04.2022 PRESS TEXT Protest von Kulturschaffenden vor Russischem Pavillon Venedig (dpa) – Kulturschaffende haben am Freitag auf dem Gelände der Kunstbiennale in Venedig vor dem Russischen Pavillon gegen den Krieg in der Ukraine protestiert. In den … Continue reading
PRESS: Ukrainian actor performs with Putin mask on his crotch outside the Venice Biennale’s Russian pavilion by The Art Newspaper
Source: The Art Newspaper José da Silva and Hannah McGivern 22.04.2022 PRESS TEXT Ukrainian Actor performs with Putin mask on his crotch outside the Venice Biennale’s Russian pavilion A police presence awaited the performance, which was only announced yesterday evening A … Continue reading
PRESS: Damit geflüchtete Künstler wieder Kunst machen können by Deutschlandfunk Kultur
Source: Deutschlandfunk Kultur 27.04.2022 PRESS TEXT Damit geflüchtete Künstler wieder Kunst machen können In English (translated): The non-governmental organization Artists at Risk has been supporting artists who are in danger since 2013. The focus is currently on Ukraine. By selling … Continue reading
PRESS: “Institutions and Resistance—Alliances for Art at Risk”, an online symposium by ZKM | Center for Art and Media and Artists at Risk by Flash Art
Source: Flash Art 14.02.2022 PRESS TEXT “Institutions and Resistance—Alliances for Art at Risk”, an online symposium by ZKM | Center for Art and Media and Artists at Risk Where would you go if the world fell apart? What if your … Continue reading
PRESS: Institutions and Resistance – Alliances for Art at Risk | ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe by Documenta Fifteen
Source: Documenta Fifteen PRESS TEXT Institutions and Resistance – Alliances for Art at Risk | ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe Am 11. Februar 2022 brachte das Symposium Institutions and Resistance – Alliances for Art at Risk Aktivist*innen, Künstler*innen … Continue reading
PRESS: ZKM und Artists at Risk (AR) veranstalten Symposium zur Verteidigung der Kunstfreiheit by KUNSTFORUM International
Source: KUNSTFORUM International 10.02.2022 PRESS TEXT ZKM und Artists at Risk (AR) veranstalten Symposium zur Verteidigung der Kunstfreiheit „Institutions an Resistance – Alliances for Art at Risk“ lautet der Titel des zweitägigen, internationalen Livestream-Symposium, das am 11 und 12. Februar … Continue reading