Artists at Risk (AR) – A European Network of Safe Havens (AR-ENSH)
partnership of
Artists at Risk (AR)AR-Safe Haven Helsinki
Art Veda, Tunis
CCCB-Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
ZKM – Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe

co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
AR-ENSH is a part of the Artists at Risk-Network coordinated by Perpetuum Mobile (PM)

Mahmoud Ghaffari

Writer, director, documentary filmmaker and editor

Residency: CCCB, Barcelona

Mahnaz Jarchi

Screenwriter and audiovisual producer

Residency: CCCB, Barcelona

Slava Ptrk

Visual and Urban Artist

Residency: ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Germany

Kholod Hawash

Textile artist

Residency: AR-Safe Haven Helsinki, Finland

Anna Rotaenko


Residency: ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Germany

Saddam Jumaily

Painter, sculptor

Residency: AR-Safe Haven Helsinki, Finland

Andrei Kureichik

Playwright, screenwriter, director, publicist

Residency: AR-Safe Haven Helsinki, Finland

Pavel Semchenko

Performance, visual artist, set designer, theatre director

Residency: AR-Safe Haven Helsinki, Finland

Rémi Sarmini

Theatre director, actor, educator

Residency: AR-Tunis at Art Veda, Tunisia

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