Author Archives: Former StaffArchive
PRESS: REPRESSIÓ Marita Muukkonen i Ivor Stodolsky, codirectores d’Artistes en Risc “Els creadors han de poder presentar obres controvertides sense que els tribunals els amenacin”, in Directa

Source: ENGLISH interview questions Please also use your favourite auto-translate tool to also read original text as published in Catalan below, which includes the story of Lisa Fittko’s work in the Resistance Movement against Nazism in the Second World … Continue reading
Watch the full 7-hour #RiskandRebellion Symposium and Concert on YouTube!

Watch the full 7-hour #RiskandRebellion Symposium and Concert on YouTube! This mondial livestream featured over 50 participants across 5 continents, in 5 Chapters with engaged contributions from over 10 rebellious movements of the last decade. In all, that’s 5 hours … Continue reading
الفنانون المعرضون للخطر (Artists at Risk – AR) (Artists at Risk – AR) الفنانون المعرضون للخطر هي منظمة عالمية تعمل على حماية الفنانين وممارسي الفن المعرضين للخطر. التقديم مفتوح طوال الوقت للفنانين تحت التهديد و الحالات الطارئة كيفية التقدم للإقامة … Continue reading
#RiskandRebellion Participant 47. Masha Alyokhina.

#RiskandRebellion Maria “Masha” Alyokhina is a Russian political activist and founding member of Pussy Riot, the radical, feminist punk group she initiated together with Nadezhda “Nadya” Tolokonnikova and Katya Samutsevich. On August 17, 2012, Alyokhina and Tolokonnikova were convicted of … Continue reading
#RiskandRebellion Participant 46. Kirill Medvedev.

#RiskandRebellion Kirill Medvedev (1975) is a poet, translator of poetry and political theory from English, and a political activist in the Russian Socialist Movement specialized in trade unions, ecology and antifascist activities. He is the co-founder of Free Marxist Press … Continue reading
#RiskandRebellion Participants 42-45. Thameur Mekki, Christophe Cotteret, Slim Kacem and Lina Elleuch, with Art Veda.

#RiskandRebellion Editor-in-chief of Nawaat since 2017, Thameur Mekki (left) has collaborated as a freelance journalist with various French-speaking international media after having written and produced for press, radio and television in Tunisia. Specializing in the emerging Tunisian art scene and … Continue reading
#RiskandRebellion Participant 41. Ahmed Mourad Khanfir.

#RiskandRebellion Ahmed Mourad Khanfir is a Tunisian artist and cultural activist. With his experience in gallery management at Nagel Galerie Drexler Köln, Germany, and his various cultural management training under Goethe-Institut Tunis, Ahmed has evolved his civil awareness and merged … Continue reading
#RiskandRebellion Participants 39 & 40. Naja Orashvili and Giorgi Rodionov.

#RiskandRebellion Naja Orashvili is co-founder and author of the concept and idea of BASSIANI / HOROOM, BASSIANI RECORDS and Horoom Nights – the first and biggest Queer party series in Georgia. Originally a film director and communication strategist, her work crosses … Continue reading
#RiskandRebellion Participant 38. Xavier Artigas.

#RiskandRebellion Xavier Artigas is a film director and founder of the production company Metromuster, which defined itself as producing emancipatory A/V cultures and deconstructing code in activism. Following the principles of the 15M / Indignados Movement, Metromuster (a co-op) aimed … Continue reading
#RiskandRebellion Participant 37. Boaventura de Sousa Santos.

#RiskandRebellion Boaventura de Sousa Santos is Emeritus Professor of Sociology, University of Coimbra (Portugal), and Distinguished Legal Scholar at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He earned an LL.M and J.S.D. from Yale University and holds the Degree of Doctor of Laws, … Continue reading